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Colorado’s Wolves Are Disappearing!

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Colorado’s Wolves Are Disappearing!

By Todd Helms

“In a press release issued yesterday, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) updated the public about the recent movements of 10 gray wolves that were captured in Oregon and released on the Centennial State’s Western Slope last winter. According to the release, two of the wolves are no longer emitting signals from GPS collars they were wearing during their December release. Another has died, likely of natural causes.”

Things that make you go, TOLD YA! On top of the fact that Colorado’s reintroduced wolves are dying, the state has told stockgrowers that it will not be lethally removing wolves responsible for killing cattle. . . oh look a flame, let’s throw gas on it! 

Predictably, Colorado’s wolf policies are ironically bad for the wolves. Too little habitat, a divided human populace and government policies jammed down unwilling public throats are leading to the unraveling of Colorado’s wolf reintroduction efforts months after the first wolves were released. 

This is exactly what happens when wildlife management is directed by emotion and not sound science. The wolves and the people living with them pay the toll forced upon them by a dominant urban populace, far removed from the front lines, most of whom will never see a Colorado wolf or the effects of their own misguided, sentiment-driven voting. 

I don’t expect a single reintroduced Colorado wolf to make a full year. There is too much stacked against them, especially the State’s “wolves first, people second stance” which places wolves directly at odds with people trying to simply make a living. 

This is more proof that the demented, “wolves at all costs” activists parading around in conservationist’s clothing, don’t give a tinker’s damn about the welfare of wolves, their aim is to push an agenda and get their way. Regardless of the havoc their ill-conceived notions wreak on man and animals.

I wish I could offer a solution but I don’t have one and that is frustrating. Perhaps you do? I’d love to hear it! 

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